During your sailing trip, you will explore the most beautiful islands of the Panamanian Caribbean sea:
characterised by white-sand beaches, palm trees, crystal clear water and coral reef.
San Blas is an archipelago of approximately 365 islands and cays. The majority of them are deserted islands, whereas only 49 are inhabited by Kuna communities. The Kunas are the indigenous population that live on these islands. Differently from other minorities, the Kunas still preserve their traditions and their original lifestyle. They live in huts, sleep on hammocks, eat the fish that they catch on a daily basis. Besides protecting their customs from modernity, they also conserve their natural environment. Coral reefs are extremely colourful and of different species, same for the marine species that inhabit them. Unfortunately, it is one of those paradises that will disappear in a very near future due to rising sea level.
Portobelo is an historic town founded by the Spanish in 1597. During the Spanish empire, it was a very important port, because from here all the treasures collected from Latin America were shipped back to Spain. Nowadays, Portobelo is not only famous for its colonial history, but also for its beautiful natural landscapes and beaches, in fact it has been declared National Park. It comprises white-sand beaches and islands shaded by palm trees, extended coral reef, rivers and mangroves.
Among these, the most popular destinations are: Venas Azules, Playa Blanca, Isla Mamey and Isla Grande.